HSW Łuczniczka, Bydgoszcz, fot. Robert SawickiIn the last week of January, Bydgoszcz will once more be graced with the visit of worldwide known athletes. During the previous nine meetings, there was a lot of action to be seen and even more excitement among the spectators.

An absolute hit of this year’s Perdo’s Cup in Bydgoszcz (one of the most renowned indoor meetings in the world) will be the hammer throw with the Olympic and Wold Championship gold medalists Anita Włodarczyk (from Skra Warszawa club), Paweł Fajdek (Zgros Zamość club), and Szymon Ziółowski (AZS OS Poznań club). The meeting will be held on Friday, Jan 31 at 5 p.m.

It is going to be the first indoor event of this kind in Poland, and has been accorded the status of Poland’s Championship.
“Even though throwing a ‘weight’, as PZLA has officially called this discipline, is not recognised by IAAF, it has been increasingly popular in many countries around the world. The main reason for that is the opportunity to compete indoor this event provides to hammer throwers. What is more, the hammer throw is a traditional Scottish Highland Games discipline.” – emhpasised the international judge Janusz Rozum.

The ‘weight’ is comprised of three parts: the metal ball, handle, and steel wire (sometimes referred to as ‘the harness’). In comparison with the classic hammer throw, the equipment  will be twice as heavy (15,88 kg for men and 9,08 kg for women), and the line three times shorter, but no longer than 40,64 cm.
In addition to that, and again for the first time in history, Łuczniczka Sports Hall will host long-jump, and high-jump contests, and (traditionally) –  the pole vault and short put will take place there as well.
For more details go here