Starified + Adaen European Tour 2019

(rock, vintage, progressive stoner):
A Moscow based power-trio with a singing drummer. Their shows are known for mad expression and glamourous entourage.
STARIFIED had two successful Russian tours, released one single, a self titled LP, opened for John Garcia and now they are presenting their new album "Feathers" (CSBR Records).
STARIFIED mix various styles and experiment with their approach to music and sound. The band is influenced by 70’s rock monsters: Led Zeppelin, Queen, Black Sabbath, etc. along with modern masters like Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stoneage and Jack White.
European tour 2019 is the band’s first appearance outside of Russia.
Adaen (Moscow RUS):
ADAEN is a Moscow based prog rock band. The band is noticed with their catchy songs, mind blowing loud punk style shows and their passion for touring. They've toured a lot in Russia, also in Belarus, Ukraine, East Europe, China and that is just the beginning. ADAEN released 3 full length albums and 4 EPs, played as headliners and as a support act for The Fall Of Troy (mutual Russian tour), Tesseract, The Ocean, Agent Fresco, Riverside and others.
ADAEN has their own unique melody in the songs. Ones could hear the influence of Muse, The Mars Volta and Nirvana, some punk notes are clearly heard too. The band plays very loud and emotionally so ones who have seen them live always want to see their show again. The audience of ADAEN is constantly growing in Russia, Asia and Europe, where the band is touring in April 2019.
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